Prompt tuning
prompt tuning config.
Bases: PromptLearningConfig
This is the configuration class to store the configuration of a [PromptEmbedding
prompt_tuning_init |
The initialization of the prompt embedding.
prompt_tuning_init_text |
The text to initialize the prompt embedding. Only used if
tokenizer_name_or_path |
The name or path of the tokenizer. Only used if
tokenizer_kwargs |
The keyword arguments to pass to
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This method initializes the PromptTuningConfig object after its creation.
self |
The instance of the PromptTuningConfig class.
None. This method does not return any value. |
If the prompt_tuning_init is set to TEXT and tokenizer_name_or_path is not provided. |
If the prompt_tuning_init is set to TEXT and prompt_tuning_init_text is not provided. |
If tokenizer_kwargs is provided but prompt_tuning_init is not set to TEXT. |
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Bases: str
, Enum
Represents an initialization state for prompt tuning in a Python class named 'PromptTuningInit'. This class inherits from the 'str' class and the 'enum.Enum' class.
PromptTuningInit is used to define and manage the initialization state for prompt tuning. It provides functionality to set and retrieve the initialization state, and inherits all the methods and attributes of the 'str' class and the 'enum.Enum' class.
Inherited Attributes from the 'str' class: - capitalize() - casefold() - center() - count() - encode() - endswith() - expandtabs() - find() - format() - format_map() - index() - isalnum() - isalpha() - isascii() - isdecimal() - isdigit() - isidentifier() - islower() - isnumeric() - isprintable() - isspace() - istitle() - isupper() - join() - ljust() - lower() - lstrip() - maketrans() - partition() - replace() - rfind() - rindex() - rjust() - rpartition() - rsplit() - rstrip() - split() - splitlines() - startswith() - strip() - swapcase() - title() - translate() - upper() - zfill()
Inherited Attributes from the 'enum.Enum' class: - name - value
Inherited Methods from the 'enum.Enum' class: - class - contains - delattr - dir - eq - format - ge - getattribute - getitem - gt - hash - init - init_subclass - iter - le - len - lt - members - module - ne - new - reduce - reduce_ex - repr - setattr - sizeof - str - subclasshook
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prompt tuning model
Bases: Module
The model to encode virtual tokens into prompt embeddings.
config |
The configuration of the prompt embedding.
word_embeddings |
The word embeddings of the base transformer model.
- embedding (nn.Embedding
) -- The embedding layer of the prompt embedding.
>>> from peft import PromptEmbedding, PromptTuningConfig
>>> config = PromptTuningConfig(
... peft_type="PROMPT_TUNING",
... task_type="SEQ_2_SEQ_LM",
... num_virtual_tokens=20,
... token_dim=768,
... num_transformer_submodules=1,
... num_attention_heads=12,
... num_layers=12,
... prompt_tuning_init="TEXT",
... prompt_tuning_init_text="Predict if sentiment of this review is positive, negative or neutral",
... tokenizer_name_or_path="t5-base",
... )
>>> # t5_model.shared is the word embeddings of the base model
>>> prompt_embedding = PromptEmbedding(config, t5_model.shared)
Input Shape: (batch_size
, total_virtual_tokens
Output Shape: (batch_size
, total_virtual_tokens
, token_dim
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mindnlp.peft.tuners.prompt_tuning.model.PromptEmbedding.__init__(config, word_embeddings)
Initialize the PromptEmbedding class.
self |
Reference to the current instance of the class.
config |
Configuration object containing various settings. - num_virtual_tokens (int): Number of virtual tokens. - num_transformer_subcells (int): Number of transformer subcells. - token_dim (int): Dimensionality of the token embeddings. - prompt_tuning_init (Enum): Specifies the type of prompt tuning initialization. - inference_mode (bool): Indicates if the model is in inference mode. - tokenizer_kwargs (dict, optional): Additional keyword arguments for the tokenizer. - tokenizer_name_or_path (str): Name or path of the pretrained tokenizer. - prompt_tuning_init_text (str): Text used for prompt tuning initialization.
word_embeddings |
Word embeddings for initializing the embedding layer.
None. The method initializes the embedding layer with the provided word embeddings. |
If the transformers module cannot be imported. |
If the number of text tokens exceeds the total virtual tokens. |
If the word embedding weights cannot be converted to float32. |
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Construct the prompt embeddings based on the given indices.
self |
An instance of the PromptEmbedding class.
indices |
The indices used to retrieve the prompt embeddings.
This method does not return any value. |
This method does not raise any exceptions. |
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