
modules is used to build neural network models, which can be used with MindSpore. modules can be classified into three functional modules: Embedding, Encoder-Decoder and Attention. We will introduce the three function in the following three sections.


embedding is essentially a word embedding technique, which can represent a character or word as a low-dimensional vector. mindnlp provides a quick and easy way to construct embeddings through pre-trained glove,fasttext,word2vec word vectors. You can also create your own custom embeddings.

Next we demonstrate how to quickly construct an embedding using glove word vectors via MindNLP.

import numpy as np
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.dataset.text.utils import Vocab
from mindnlp.modules.embeddings.glove_embedding import Glove

# Define your own vocab
vocab = Vocab.from_list(['default', 'one', 'two', 'three'])

# Define your own embedding table
init_embed = Tensor(np.zeros((4, 4)).astype(np.float32))

# Create your own embedding object
glove_embed = Glove(vocab, init_embed)

# You can also use pre-trained word vectors
glove_embed_pretrained, _ = Glove.from_pretrained()

After creating the embedding, we will use it for lookup next:

# The index to query for
ids = Tensor([1, 2, 3])

# Computed by the built embedding
output = glove_embed(ids)

You can get more information about the embedding API from MindNLP.modules.embeddings.


Encoder-Decoder is a model framework, which is a general term for a class of algorithms. Various algorithms can be used in this framework to solve different tasks. Encoder converts the input sequence into a sentiment vector, and decoder generates the target translation based on the output of the encoder.

We can use encoder and decoder provided by MindNLP to construct model as the following example of a machine translation model. More information about this model are shown in Machine Translation Example .

from mindspore import nn
from import Seq2seqModel
from mindnlp.modules import RNNEncoder, RNNDecoder

class MachineTranslation(Seq2seqModel):
    def __init__(self, encoder, decoder):
        super().__init__(encoder, decoder)
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.decoder = decoder

    def construct(self, en, de):
        encoder_out = self.encoder(en)
        decoder_out = self.decoder(de, encoder_out=encoder_out)
        output = decoder_out[0]
        return output.swapaxes(1,2)

enc_emb_dim = 256
dec_emb_dim = 256
enc_hid_dim = 512
dec_hid_dim = 512
enc_dropout = 0.5
dec_dropout = 0.5

# encoder
en_embedding = nn.Embedding(input_dim, enc_emb_dim)
en_rnn = nn.RNN(enc_emb_dim, hidden_size=enc_hid_dim, num_layers=2, has_bias=True,
                batch_first=True, dropout=enc_dropout, bidirectional=False)
rnn_encoder = RNNEncoder(en_embedding, en_rnn)

# decoder
de_embedding = nn.Embedding(output_dim, dec_emb_dim)
input_feed_size = 0 if enc_hid_dim == 0 else dec_hid_dim
rnns = [
        input_size=dec_emb_dim + input_feed_size
        if layer == 0
            else dec_hid_dim,
        for layer in range(2)
rnn_decoder = RNNDecoder(de_embedding, rnns, dropout_in=enc_dropout, dropout_out = dec_dropout,attention=True, encoder_output_units=enc_hid_dim)

The Encoder-Decoder modules included in MindNLP are shown in the following table. You can click on the name to see the detailed API, or learn about them through MindNLP.modules.encoder and MindNLP.modules.decoder .




Convolutional encoder consisting of len(convolutions) layers


Stacked Elman RNN Encoder


Stacked Elman RNN Decoder


Attention is a simulation of the attention mechanism of the human brain. When people see something, they tend to focus on important information and ignore other information. Attention in natural language processing is to assign attention weights to text, and the essence of Attention is to change from focusing on all to focusing. In MindNLP, we provide various modules for attention mechanisms, so you can use them quickly.

Next we will demonstrate how to build a multi-headed attention module via MindNLP.

import mindspore
import mindspore.numpy as np
from mindspore import ops
from mindspore import Tensor

# initialize random number seeds
standard_normal = ops.StandardNormal(seed=0)

# query is [batch_size, seq_len_q, hidden_size]
q = standard_normal((2, 32, 512))

# key is [batch_size, seq_len_k, hidden_size]
k = standard_normal((2, 20, 512))

# value is [batch_size, seq_len_k, hidden_size]
v = standard_normal((2, 20, 512))

# now query shape is (2, 32 ,512)->(2, 8, 32, 64)
# and key shape is (2, 20 ,512)->(2, 8, 20, 64)
# query * key.transpose(-1, -2):
# (2, 8, 32, 64) * (2, 8, 64, 20) ->(2, 8, 32, 20)
# equal with mask shape that is [batch_size, seq_len_q, seq_len_k]
mask_shape = (2, 32, 20)
mask = Tensor(np.ones(mask_shape), mindspore.bool_)

# use additive attention

# you can also use cosine attention via multi-head attention

# you can also use dot-product attention via multi-head attention
# default dot-product attention mode
net = MutiHeadAttention(heads=8)

# x is the output of multi-head attention
# attn is the attention score
x, attn = net(query, key, value, mask)

Of course, you can also use the most basic scaled dot-product attention attention to build the module:

import mindspore
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.text.modules.attentions import ScaledDotAttention
model = ScaledDotAttention(dropout=0.9)
# You can customize the query, key, vlaue vector
q = Tensor(np.ones((2, 32, 512)), mindspore.float32)
k = Tensor(np.ones((2, 20, 512)), mindspore.float32)
v = Tensor(np.ones((2, 20, 400)), mindspore.float32)
output, att = model(q, k, v)
# output shape is (2, 1024, 512)
# att shape is (2, 1024, 32)

Currently mindnlp has implemented 8 attention mechanisms. You can get more information about the attention API from MindNLP.modules.attentions .